IFD Publishing is accepting pre-orders for the first two books in The Blood of Father Time series by Alan M. Clark, Stephen C. Merritt and Lorelei Shannon. The series is a time-travel fantasy inspired by actual historical events and the outlaw clans of early...
We’re starting to back up with books that have arrived for review here at Hellnotes. So we’re posting this notice in search of at least one book reviewer, maybe two. The goods news: you’ll have plenty to read and get to keep the books. The bad news:...
Black Death Books has launched the newest Scottish vampire offering from William Meikle: Eldren: The Book of The Dark. Description: Two young boys reawaken an ancient vampire in a small town. Only the vampire bible, The Book of The Dark, can stop it. But the sun is...
Like San Francisco when Hammett wrote, or LA in Chandler’s time, Dublin has become a gold rush town: an economic boom dubbed the “Celtic Tiger” had brought unprecedented prosperity, virtually full employment and house prices that doubled and...
Borderlands Press launches a line of quality trade paperbacks this month. As they appear, they will be available through the Bordelands Press website and all the other venues including Barnes & Noble, Borders, and the airports, etc. The trade paperbacks are...