December 31, 2006 is the deadline for nominations for the Grand Master to be honored at the 2007 World Horror Convention to be held in Toronto, Canada, March 29 – April 1. Since only registered members may participate in the voting process, this might be a good time to register and make hotel reservations. Previous Grand Master honorees include Robert Bloch, Stephen King, Richard Matheson, Anne Rice, Clive Barker, Deadn Koontz, Peter Straub, Brian Lumley, Ramsey Campbell, Harlan Ellison, Ray Bradbury, Charles L. Grant, Chelsea Quinn Yarbro, Jack Williamson, F. Paul Wilson, and Ray Garton. This will be the first WHC to be held outside of the United States and the third time the Horror Writers Association will hold their annual meeting in conjunction with World Horror. That means the Bram Stoker Awards will be presented during the convention. Guests of Honor for WHC2007 include Michael Marshall Smith, Nancy Kilpatrick, John Picacio, Don Hutchison, Peter Crowther, and Peter Atkins. Sèphera Girón will serve Toastmistress. Both Mort Castle and Nancy Kilpatrick will also be offering their workshops on writing and editing, respectively. Information concerning the Grand Master and registration for WHC2007 may be found at the website.

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