From the press release:

Children lost in the woods, witches, merpeople and wee folk are just a taste of some of the deliciously dark creatures that will feature in Midnight Echo Issue 9 – to be published by the Australian Horror Writers Association (AHWA) on May 31.

Edited by Geoff Brown, the Myths and Legends issue will feature fantastical tales and nonfiction by legendary authors including Jonathan Maberry, James A. Moore and Robin Furth, and front cover artwork by renowned artist Mel Gannon.

Being a fan of mythology, Geoff, who is also AHWA president, admitted putting together Issue 9 was a dream project.

“Myths and legends, for me, form the basis of where horror has come from. Tales told in thatch huts, in castles, and in peasant quarters have always held cautionary elements, and the original fairy tales were darker and more frightening than they are now,” he said.

“Myths and legends are cultural horror tales, and I have always loved them. The timing of this issue, just after I finished six months studying myths, symbols and legends at TAFE, was perfect.

“Issue 9 has tales of children lost in the woods, of witches and merpeople, of fairies at the bottom of the garden, of gods, and of religious and cultural heroes portrayed in a way far different than usual.

“There are reinventions and fresh takes on old tales, as well as some wonderful non-fiction pieces on different cultural myths. We also have a fantastic article on Stephen King’s Dark Tower series, and the legends used for its creation.”

Geoff also took on the mammoth task of laying out Issue 9.“Once the editing stage is over, most editors can then kick back and relax. Not so this time,” he said.

“Then it was on to InDesign to do the full layout. I could add the artwork where I felt it worked best, and source the scene-break art that best suited the issue, so yes, it certainly helped to make it all ‘my’ vision, but added to the workload and stress factor.”

The major coup for Issue 9 is the addition of Jonathan Maberry to the table of contents.

“I just asked Jonathan if he would do me a short story, and after he agreed, I asked that it be a Ledger tale. He was happy to work more on that particular character. Not nearly as happy as I was to have a story with that particular character,” Geoff said.

Geoff said it was heartening to see Midnight Echo Magazine garnering a solid reputation in the speculative fiction market.

“For me, it’s all about promoting our members and Aussie writers. With (Executive Editor) Marty Young at the helm, and the concept of gaining one or two international-name authors to drive sales, it certainly works more in favour of the Aussie writers who do get their stories chosen for inclusion,” Geoff said.

“I’m ecstatic to see international distribution take off so well, and I think the new direction we have taken is fantastic. It’s all well and good to have a mag full of Aussie writers, but if more people around the world read it due to the names like Masterton, Lansdale, Ketchum, Furth, and Maberry, then the Aussie writers are going to do better out of it.

“Issue 9 was a long, hard road, but in the end I have achieved something I’m very proud of, and I think the AHWA should (and can) be proud of it too. With names like Maberry, Moore, and Furth attached it will gain some exposure.

“I’d do it all again in an instant, but my family would likely disown me if I did. It took so much of my spare time away that I almost forgot what they looked like.”

The details on ME#9 are as follows:

Cover art by Mel Gannon

Interior art by Greg ChapmanThe Table of Contents:

Changeling by Jonathan Maberry
Black Train Blues by James A Moore
Black Peter by Martin Livings
The Road by Amanda J Spedding
Coffee Rings by Kristin Dearborn
The Wee Folk by JG Faherty
From the Forebears by Steven Gepp
Little Boy, Little Girl, Lost in the Woods by Mark Patrick Lynch
The Fathomed Wreck to See by Alan Baxter


ganesh by Talie Helene


Allure of the Ancients: The Key to His Kingdom – story by Mark Farrugia, illustrations by Greg Chapman

Special Features

The Mythology of Mid-World by Robin Furth (non-fiction)
Russian Field of Mysteries by Tony Vilgotsky (non-fiction)
An Interview with Jonathan Maberry
An Interview with Mel Gannon

Regular Features

A Word from the AHWA President – Geoff Brown
Tartarus – Danny Lovecraft (poetry column)
Pix and Panels – Mark Farrugia (comic column)
Black Roads, Dark Highways #4 – Andrew McKiernan (column)
Sinister Reads (all the latest releases from AHWA members)

Pre-orders for Issue 9 are now being taken. Please visit for full details.

About the Australian Horror Writers Association

The Australian Horror Writers Association (AHWA) is the peak professional body for Australian authors of dark fiction (horror, dark fantasy, and paranormal fiction) and has 300 members. The AHWA was founded in 2003, and since its incorporation in 2005, the Association has implemented an annual short story competition, a mentorship programme, online writers forums, news and article
archives, the fiction magazine Midnight Echo, and The Australian Shadows Award. For further information on the AHWA, visit or

Available for comment/interview:

Marty Young, Executive Editor – Mobile: 0434 882 504 or Email:

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