The Australian Horror Writers’ Association (AHWA) and creators of Midnight Echo magazine are pleased to announce that a new short story by horror legend Graham Masterton will be appearing in issue 7.

Masterton has published more than 35 horror novels in his career, his debut being The Manitou in 1976 which became an instant bestseller and was made into a motion picture. He has been awarded numerous awards and recently had a special issue of Cemetery Dance in his name.

“Graham Masterton has been a hero of mine since I first read him as a teenager. He is iconic within both the horror genre and the larger literature scene, especially here in Australia and in Europe. To have Graham in Midnight Echo is a great honour, and hopefully begins a new era for the vanguard magazine of the AHWA,” says Geoff Brown, AHWA President.

Graham’s story, “What the Dark Does,” in Midnight Echo #7 explores childhood fears that follow us into our adult lives … particular the terror of the dark, what it hides and our reluctance to reveal this childish phobia.

In addition to Graham’s story, acclaimed horror photographer and artist, Joshua Hoffine, will be providing cover art.

“Horror tells us that our belief in security is delusional, and that the monsters are all around us,” says Hoffine.

With submissions closed and the remaining stories being read, final selections will be made in the next two weeks and contracts sent to those who make the table of contents.

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