King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table
Directed by Jared Cohn
Screenplay by Scotty Mullen
Produced by David Michael Latt
Starring Sara Malakul Lane, Eoin O’Brien, and Alex Winters
March 7, 2017
Reviewed by A. Renee Hunt

I am a fan of The Asylum studios. Their movies have been a part of my paranormal, horrific journey and I appreciate every piece they release. When it comes to King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table, I have to say, I did not find much to appreciate.

Morgana, along with her son Mordred, were banished to the ends of the universe, with Excalibur, wielded by King Arthur himself. But she returned, fifteen hundred years later, to Thailand. But she didn’t just return, she came back with a vengeance, by way of a futuristic space vessel. On a path paved with destruction, she wants the sword and to rule all of humanity.

I’m sure the story looked good on paper, but the execution was not. The movie came off all wrong, mostly because of poor acting. Morgana wasn’t too bad, but the other characters – it had to have been their first rodeo. Secondly, the story didn’t carry enough weight. The heroes were so busy debating what was real or not, concerning the legendary knights of the round table, they never gave the person they’d captured an opportunity to do anything but be lookout! Lastly, to be located in Thailand, there were next to no Taiwanese! And the one who did show (in the form of authority) up perfect English! I got a good laugh out of that.

The special effects weren’t too shabby. The beginning’s action, ending with the deportation of Morgana and Mordred from the universe was bad. It just looked funny, but with the burning of someone’s hand – phenomenal! I also liked the GIANT ending. It didn’t look so great, but the idea and most of it was pretty cool to watch. The best word to describe the positives: entertaining.

Anyway, if you’re looking to pass some time, but not on something really worth while, this is your movie. King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table released March 7, 2017.

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