Catalonia, Spain – Borderline, from Maso & Co Productions, is both a mystery and a thriller. Directed by Pau Masó (Bloody Weekend), the film hosts a small, Romanian cast, consisting of: Paula Ortiz, Mireia Vallès, Txema Lorente and Mariangels Punyet. Also known as Querida Mamá, the film has been completed.
Official Synopsis:
On the tenth year anniversary of their mother’s death, two estranged sisters head to the mountains to scatter her ashes. But as they struggle to reconcile, their past begins merging into their present, causing them both to become increasingly more paranoid.
Director: Pau Masó.
Writers: Dolors Coromina, Pau Masó.
Cast: Paula Ortiz, Mireia Vallès, Txema Lorente, Jordia Pujolras, Iona Castanyer and Mariangels Punyet.
The film’s fan page: