Welcome to the Full Moon Salon!
by Terrie Leigh Relf
“It’s still all over my arms and legs, my lower back—even my, ah. . .er. . .other parts. I’ve tried everything! Depilatory cream, shaving. . .”
The aesthetician handed me some wine, “tsk-tsked,” ushered me to her room.
I stripped, lay down, and within moments, my eyes rolled back in my head as she poured hot wax, smoothed strips, and ripped, smiling every so often as I howled.
“There, there, sweetie,” she said, patting my head. “We’re almost there.”
Afterwards, I promised to refer my pack and to come in earlier next time. . .just after the new moon.
Terrie Leigh Relf is an active member of the HWA. You can read more about her at tlrelf@wordpress.com.