The Zombie Feed Press (a specialized imprint of Apex Publications and publishes zombie novels, novellas, and anthologies) is giving away a free TZF ebook of your choice for every TZF title you purchase in trade paperback. Choose from Dead Stay Dead, Aslyum, Escape From Zombie City, and The Zombie Feed, Vol. 1.

Here’s what to do:

1. Go to The Zombie Feed

2. Click on one of the covers to order a trade paperback

3. Go to Free Zombie Feed ebooks, comment on the book you purchased, and select the title you’d like to receive in digital format (make sure that your email address is linked to your name when you post the comment).

There’s no limit to how many free eBooks you can receive (i.e. you buy 2 titles in TPB, you’ll receive two free eBooks). Offer ends at midnight on November 25th. You’ll receive your FREE eBook the week of November 28th.

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