Amazon’s Omnivoracious blog, written by Jeff VanderMeer, is currently running a piece on Tim Lebbon’s Echo City.

“In Echo City, I set myself a challenge that I didn’t truly appreciate until I was well into the writing process,” says Lebbon. “By then Echo City had grabbed me and whisked me away, and I was feeling my way through its streets and squares, enjoying the process of discovery that any good writing experience entails. These places were not yet familiar to me, other than as shades in my imagination. Writing the book illuminated the shades – giving them shape and form, adding color, and hinting at hidden routes yet to be explored. Because writers are explorers, and in creating Echo City I was required to visit places deeper than I’d anticipated. Every new fantasy world is only as real as the histories it is built upon, but in Echo City those histories were literal, and the building-upon was a very real idea.”

You can read the entire piece here: Echo City: Tim Lebbon

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