DISEMBODIED, the 90’s VHS cult classic, is now finally available in HD! Scanned in 2k from the original negatives, this film has been long sought after as a comic, weird, violent, gross-out film that is fun to watch. Directed William Kersten, and starring Anastasia Woolverton (Connie Sproutz), and shot on 16mm cameras. Disembodied is a body-horror film with Connie Sproutz after finding out that she is a genetic experiment with half-human/half-extraterrestri
The story of Connie Sproutz, a likeable young woman with the sad problem of a spore-generating deformity on her face which causes difficulties in her day-to-day life such as dissolving into a gelatinous mass anyone who is to be devoured by the neural parasite that inhabits her skull, which is empty due to the fact that she stores her brain in a jar beside her bed.