Announcing a party open to the public for Dark Regions Press. Come check out the operation and offices, meet the staff, enjoy free food and drinks and take advantage of the final leg of the big Summer Sale and get 33% off any in-stock titles. 4pm – 9pm on July 18th, 2014. 6635 N. Baltimore Ave., Ste. 241, Portland, OR. 97203.
From Chris Morey:
Hey guys! I hope to see many of you tomorrow. We should easily have everything set up by 4PM, including beer, wine, coffee and food. Also, all of you are welcome to stop by the DRP office at any time to buy our books direct at a 20% discount in the future after the open house party is complete (just try to give me a heads up when you plan on stopping by). Of course tomorrow is an increased discount of 33%
Cathedral Park Place is a big office building right across from Cathedral Park at the bottom of Baltimore Ave. next to the St. John’s bridge! The easiest way to find the DRP office is to go up the stairs through the front entrance with all of the glass panels. Go through the the heavy doors at the top of the stairs, take an immediate left then take another left down the small walkway into the hallway and you’ll find us.
This should be a good time. Let’s drink and nerd out about horror stuff. See you guys soon!