Local Production company, SFN Productions, is set to make their first independent feature film under Sag-Signatory with Producer Aaron Jackson. With a female director at the helm of this horror comedy, and a horror fanatic Director of Photography, this project is going to reinvent the horror genre. We have the help of a lot of local talent to  make this movie in the best quality, have realistic practical effects, and be able to pay everyone involved for three weeks of their life, so we need donations of at least $100,000. We are looking to credit every backer in the credits of the film as a special thanks. We have signed on 90’s morning TV stars Dennis Haskins (Mr. Belding from Saved by the Bell) and Aaron Jackson (Mark Winkle from California Dreams), among many other talented actresses and actors.

The premise of the movie is about an average guy named Kyle who dies and gets the opportunity to return as a supernatural killer, along the lines of Myers or Voorhees, except he isn’t immediately good at it. You see the horror movie play out with a group of girls going missing one by one as they find themselves outside for some reason in their underwear. But behind the scenes, you see Kyle receiving a serial killer training program from the Devil himself. As the movie progresses, you don’t see the growth in the characters you would expect. The character growth comes from Kyle, as he learns how to overcome his weakness and become a hardened and terrifying killer.

It is very important to support local artists and bring independent films into the forefront. Some of the best movies you see on Netflix or streaming services are from lower cost independent filmmakers. This movie will be taken on tour to multiple film festivals before we hope to sign a international distribution deal. If we can be from the team who won Best Film, Audience Choice, Best Acting, etc. in 72 hours of filming Bride on the Side for the Silver Springs International Film Festival Jump/Cut Challenge, imagine what we can do with 17 days of filming with professional grade equipment and paid Sag and local actors. Being Sag-signatory will benefit our production company as well as all the aspiring actors who are needing more sag credits to become eligible.

SFN Productions, LLC, is an independent motion picture company with a goal of producing the independent film Hell Phone. Independent films are some of the best movies that are being made today. We need to support local artists more to help creativity thrive. Every donation level will receive awesome giveaways. Any investment in film is a risk, but some risks are worth taking with names attached like Dennis Haskins ​​and Aaron Jackson, that will have a high return on investment.

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