The binge-worthy and unsettling horror series CHANNEL ZERO is soon available exclusively to stream on Shudder, the leading premium streaming service for thriller, suspense and horror. The first three installments of CHANNEL ZERO, which airs on SYFY, have earned the...
Hivemind today announced that it has won an intense multi-studio bidding war and acquired the rights to bring the hit Image Comics comic book series, GIDEON FALLS, to television in partnership with co-creators Jeff Lemire and Andrea Sorrentino. Hivemind’s Jason...
Based on the hit movie franchise from Blumhouse Productions, THE PURGE revolves around a 12-hour period when all crime, including murder, is legal. Set in an altered America ruled by a totalitarian political party, the series follows several seemingly unrelated...
AMC announced that it has renewed its popular and critically acclaimed anthology series, The Terror for a second season. The next iteration of The Terror anthology will be set during World War II and center on an uncanny specter that menaces a Japanese-American...
1984. Hawkins, Indiana. The Upside Down. The Tunnels. All of these elements come to life to create the world of Stranger Things 2. From arcade design to the tunnel design, from the perfect spiky baseball bat to the 3 Musketeers candy wrappers. Every detail of the show...
IFC’s original horror comedy Stan Against Evil will return for Season 3 on Wednesday, October 31 at 10PM. The series stars John C. McGinley as the curmudgeonly retired police sheriff Stan Miller and Janet Varney as Evie Barrett, the current sheriff of Willard’s...