New Big Thrill Website
Each month, The Big Thrill, the newsletter and ezine of the International Thriller Writers,features dozens of original interviews with ITW members discussing their new releases. The new Big Thrill website includes all this, and more. You’ll find a collection of...
And Let There Be Darkness
Publisher A Book’s Mind has released Marshall Beck’s And Let There Be Darkness. The short story collection is being distributed by Brain Damage Films. “This book is not another one of those lame-ass, self-indulged, narcissistic as hell, ‘here...
Australia’s Pinnacle Horror Award
The Australian Horror Writers Association (AHWA) is proud to announce its annual literary prize, the Australian Shadows Awards, is now open and seeking entries. This year, there is an important difference – the AHWA is offering a prize pool of $750 to the...Midnight Echo Issue #4 Released
The fourth edition of the Australian Horror Writers Association’s fiction and poetry magazine, Midnight Echo, has just been released. “It’s hard to pick out any (of the works) as highlights – after all, I chose them, so I love them all,”...HWA Announces Plans For Solo Events
The Horror Writers Association announced today that it would be hosting a stand-alone convention every other year, beginning with a partnership with World Horror Convention in Brighton, England, in 2010 and an East Coast solo event in 2011.