A lonely night worker discovers a mysterious room which might hold in it his wildest dreams or his worst nightmares. Directed and written by Yoni Weisberg Produced by Margot Douglas Executive Produced by Colin Offland Cinematography by James Watson Edited by Katie...
From seasoned animator Carlos Baena (ILM, Pixar) and a crowd-sourced community of over 100 people, “La Noria” tells the tale of a grieving young boy who one day encounters dark creatures that turn his life upside down. ALTER explores the human condition...
The Night They Knocked (Cinester Films) is a new feature-length horror film written and directed by Sean Roberts, and nominated for Best Feature Film / Best Director at the 2019 New Jersey Horror Con and Film Festival. From the official website: In the heart of the...
Press Release: LOS ANGELES – RLJE Films, a business unit of AMC Networks, will release the critically-acclaimed sci-fi/horror film COLOR OUT OF SPACE on VOD, Digital, DVD and Blu-ray on February 25, 2020. Based on the H.P. Lovecraft short story, COLOR OUT OF...
Available today! A lonely woman (Marianne Jean-Baptiste), recently separated from her husband, visits a bewitching London department store in search of a dress that will transform her life. She’s fitted with a perfectly flattering, artery-red gown-which, in...