Los Angeles, CA (Monday, September 23, 2019): Genre distributor Terror Films has acquired the worldwide digital rights to Dave Palamaro’s critically acclaimed “whodunnit” horror flick, Murder Made Easy. Terror Films has already begun the digital release with the film...
Producer Sam Raimi (Evil Dead) and director Alexandre Aja (The Hills Have Eyes) deliver “a suspenseful thrill ride” (Jim Vejvoda, IGN) in CRAWL, coming to Digital September 24, 2019 and on Blu-ray, DVD, and On Demand October 15 from Paramount Home Entertainment. The...
“Some places have a mind of their own. Based on the novella by Stephen King and Joe Hill, when siblings Becky and Cal hear the cries of a young boy lost within a field of tall grass, they venture in to rescue him, only to become ensnared themselves by a sinister...
Straight on Till Morning Blu-ray: “An ugly duckling yearns to leave her drab Liverpool life and move to swinging London to find her Prince Charming. But the big city holds some nasty surprises for the naïve young woman when she becomes obsessed with a handsome...
One banana, two bananas, three bananas . . . gore!! SYFY’s new original film scoops out a terrifying take on the classic The Banana Splits Adventure Hour featuring the zany antics of Fleegle, Bingo, Drooper, and Snorky…and this horror thriller takes “side-splitting”...
Press Release: The Blob is back in this horrific tale about a vile, malignant life-form that crashes to Earth in a cozy, rural American town called Arborville. Untroubled by conscience or intellect, the Blob does only one thing – and it does it well. It eats anything...