Synopsis: “A decade after Zombieland became a hit film and a cult classic, the lead cast (Woody Harrelson, Jesse Eisenberg, Abigail Breslin, and Emma Stone) have reunited with director Ruben Fleischer (Venom) and the original writers Rhett Reese & Paul...
Press Release: SANTA MONICA, CA (September 25, 2019) – The fear goes deeper in this thrilling, must-see underwater sequel when 47 Meters Down: Uncaged arrives on Digital 4K Ultra HD October 29 and on Blu-ray Combo Pack (plus DVD and Digital), DVD, and On Demand...
Press Release: All the demons of hell are summoned to Earth to claim “The Devil’s Bride!” Based on the celebrated novel by Dennis Wheatley, The Devil Rides Out is one of Hammer’s most accomplished and thrilling mystery horrors. On October 29, 2019, SCREAM...
“LITTLE MONSTERS follows Dave (Alexander England), a washed-up musician who volunteers to chaperone his nephew’s kindergarten class field trip after taking a serious liking to the fearless schoolteacher, Miss Caroline (Lupita Nyong’o). Dave’s intentions are...
Press Release: LOS ANGELES (September 27, 2019) – RLJE Films, a business unit of AMC Networks, will release SATANIC PANIC on October 22, 2019 on DVD and on Blu-ray. Written by popular horror author, Grady Hendrix (We Sold Our Souls, My Best Friend’s Exorcism), and...
On October 29th, Severin Films is getting an early start on the seasonal festivities by serving up a trio of Italian sickies for sleaze-deprived viewers with a hunger for bad taste. PAGANINI HORROR, WEREWOLF IN A GIRLS’ DORMITORY, and BYLETH: THE DEMON OF INCEST are...