Tarot Draconis
Davide Corsi
Llewellyn Publications
Reviewed by Wendy Stokes

“My armour is like ten-fold shields, my teeth are swords, my claws are spears, the shock of my tail is a thunderbolt, my wings are a hurricane, and my breath is death.” Smaug, the dragon who terrorised Bilbo Baggins in JRR Tolkien’s The Hobbit

Suits are Green Earth (Pentacles), Red Fire (Wands), Blue Water (Cups), and Grey Air (Swords) Dragons, each with special powers invested in their respective element. Davide Corsi is the artist and has also been involved in Vampire Tarot, Tarot of Eternal Night, Tarot of the Elves, and The Pictoral Key Tarot. 

We have wonderful illustrations in this deck and a story of archetypal personifications of wisdom, creativity and fantasy. Draconis is of the dragons of pre-history, of primordial chaos, of mythical and majestic beasts of huge strength and with visionary capacities, that are great assets to help overcome obstacles, to guard treasure, to win fights and conquer deepest fears and epic battles. These are the dragons of guides, teachers and they inspire us to express heroism on our life long journey through the Major Arcana from 0 to XXI from the beginning of the Dragons Egg. 

Spreads include the 5 card ‘Dragon’s Breath’ which uses the Majors only to identify a neglected goal and understand how success can be achieved or use the 6 card ‘Flight of the Dragon’ which could reveal your life path. This deck is included in the Total Tarot Collection, a course in how to read the Tarot and includes this and other useful information on this deck in Magazine numbers 32 and 33. Visit: https://totaltarotcollection.com

Delightful! Fun! Enjoyable, and I gave good readings from this deck! 

Amazon link: https://www.amazon.com/Tarot-Draconis-Davide-Corsi/dp/0738739421

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