Card Deck Review: Dark Magic Oracle – Reveal the Light Within
Fiona Horne
Boxed set of 36 cards and Guidebook.
Rockpool Publishing (August 31, 2023)
Reviewed by Wendy Stokes

“It has to be dark to see the stars.”

Glinting green lettering on the box and silvered edges makes this a stylish deck designed to deal with difficult emotions relating to the inner child. The full colour guidebook gives us all information required for a reading. Each card carries a spell or a ritual to aid healing. There is information on the ethical sourcing of crystals. Spreads are the Sole card for a daily reading, the Dual two card, the Triad three card, and the Pentacle 5 card.

Fiona Horne is the author of 14 books on modern witchcraft and the author of a previous card deck, titled “The Magic if You”. . She has been the lead singer in Def FX electro-rock band and is currently in the Seawitch rock band. She is a radio show personality, public speaker, and humanitarian. She is also a skydiver, fire dancer, sailor and surfer.

The card illustrator is Jes Abella, a photographer – do I see him in all the photo images? I hope not! I would like to have a clearer idea of what is happening in the images!

To navigate teen years, LGBTQUIA+ and for general self examination, personal insight, advice, and development. Recommended! I really like the content of the text! Keep a journal for associations, impressions and learning!

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