Written by Dan Lantz and Michael McFadden
Directed and Produced by Dan Lantz
Starring Ice-T, Michael McFadden, Chris James Boylan, and Airen DeLaMater
Reviewed by A. Renee Hunt

When you find a movie that shows a ton of creativity, you go with it. I found such creativity in Bloodrunners, by Dan Lantz. The movie takes place during the days of Prohibition, where the booze doesn’t shine ‘less it comes beneath the line. The cool part is, sometimes, what’s tucked away and shared, for a particular fee, isn’t what you think it should be…

In a popular speakeasy, Jack Malone, a dirty cop haunted by nightmares of war, finds a new location to shake down. But there’s a presence within the walls of the club, run by Chesterfield. When Malone comes to collect his “luxury tax,” he and his partner incites a small war against a den of vampires.

The movie is amazing, the style is sweet, and the costume design is on point- I loved it all! The originality is what really keeps this movie entertaining. Running blood, a much-craved liquid via the underground, by vamps, is a pretty wild idea, making Bloodrunners an exciting surprise and electrifying!

Other than watching a vampire get staked in the shoulder, but later spotted with it in the center of his chest, I found nothing wrong with the movie. It’s classy, well put together, and the special effects are vigorous and enjoyable.

Take a look at Bloodrunners, releasing later in 2017.

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