Synopsis: “A haunting horror fairytale set against the backdrop of Mexico’s devastating drug wars, TIGERS ARE NOT AFRAID follows a group of orphaned children armed with three magical wishes, running from the ghosts that haunt them and the cartel that...
Press Release: “Fright-Rags is here to save the world with Ghostbusters merchandise commemorating the beloved film’s 35th anniversary, along with apparel from The Devil’s Rejects, and UHF. Who ya gonna call for the best Ghostbusters designs?...
“Annabelle vs Annabellum? You decide! The creepy doll flick directed by Craig Rees, who can be currently seen in Whispers alongside Keeley Hazell and who also plays the bad guy in slasher Lake Alice with Breaking Bad boss Michael Shamus Wiles, makes his...
“Twelve strangers wake up in a clearing. They don’t know where they are, or how they got there. They don’t know they’ve been chosen… for a very specific purpose … The Hunt. In the shadow of a dark internet conspiracy theory, a bunch of elites gathers...
“In 1954, an enormous beast clawed its way out of the sea, destroying everything in its path—and changing movies forever. The arresting original Godzilla soon gave rise to an entire monster-movie genre (kaiju eiga), but the King of the Monsters continued to...