All-Hallows-Eve-2RLJ Entertainment (NASDAQ: RLJE) brings you the new sequel to the Halloween-themed horror movie ALL HALLOWS’ EVE 2.  Directed by Bryan Norton (Seven Hells), Antonio Padovan (Once Upon a Time, Inc.), Marc Roussel (The Last Halloween), Ryan Patch (If I Give My Soul), Jay Holben (Hunger), The Kondelik Brothers (Airplane VS Volcano), Elias Benavidez (A Boy’s Life), Mike Kochansky (Mr. Tricker’s Treat), and Andres Borghi (Alexia), the film stars Andrea Monier (The Black Water Vampire) and Damien Monier (Grim). ALL HALLOWS’ EVE 2 is available on Digital Video and on DVD for an SRP of $27.97 on Feb. 2nd, 2016.

Alone on Halloween, a young woman finds a mysterious VHS tape on her doorstep—a tape that shows a series of gruesome and ghastly tales that appear to be all too real. But these terrifying glimpses of damned souls are not the only horrors that stalk her. A sinister, pumpkin-faced killer is using the videotape as a portal into our reality; and if he makes it through, this twisted trickster seeks only one “treat”: Blood.

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About Jess Landry

Jess Landry is an eccentric billionaire, the inventor of the hacky-sack and a compulsive liar. She spends her time mentally preparing for the zombie apocalypse and playing with her cats. You can find some of her work online at and EGM Shorts.

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