
Founder David B. Silva began Hellnotes in 1995 as a weekly email newsletter with a hardcopy component and a paid subscription base. Since then, it’s gone through a number of transformations and today delivers the same horror genre news and information several times a day for free.

Hellnotes, owned by JournalStone Publishing, remains dedicated to bringing you the best information on the internet, covering horror movies, horror fiction, horror comics, horror writers, and more.

JournalStone Publishing is a dynamic publishing house, focusing in the Science Fiction/Fantasy/Horror genres in both the adult and young adult markets. In addition to owning Hellnotes, JSP also owns and operates Dark Discoveries magazine, a slick, full color, distinguished and internationally distributed quarterly magazine.  JSP publishes in multiple book formats and markets their authors on a global level. They are active with numerous major writer’s groups, including the Horror Writers Association (HWA), and produce a monthly newsletter with a large circulation. For further information on JournalStone please visit the JournalStone website by clicking this link.

Review Inquiries:  All review requests should be forwarded to news@hellnotes.com

Affiliate Disclaimer: From time to time, we will promote, endorse, or suggest products and/or services for sale. Our recommendations are always based on our belief that the product and it’s author will provide excellent and valuable information or service based on a review of that product, our relationship with that person, and or previous positive experience with the person or company who’s product we are recommending. In some cases, we will receive the product for free for review purposes. Always do your own due-diligence before making any purchases.

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