99 cent 470x470Your One-Stop Movie Superstore Launches

Start building your collection today – Incredible titles for just pennies!

Thank you for choosing to partner with us for the launch of our 99 Cent Network on December 17th 2014!

The launch of our network will allow movie fanatics to buy three movies for only 99 cents, or ten titles for $1.99! This will give them access to these titles anytime they want. It’s theirs forever!

They can share their library of films with a friend or family member with just one easy click … A perfect gift for the holidays!

They simply create an account with their email or sign in through Facebook to view or share their collection.

To interact or share on social media, please use @99centnet, or hash tag us at #99centnetwork – we would love to engage with you!

Now, ready, set, go! : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nBYxd65V2N0

 99 Cent Network

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About Jess Landry

Jess Landry is an eccentric billionaire, the inventor of the hacky-sack and a compulsive liar. She spends her time mentally preparing for the zombie apocalypse and playing with her cats. You can find some of her work online at SpeckLit.com and EGM Shorts.

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