Gauntlet Press has received the Richard Matheson chapbook 2012 vs. Reality. This is a not-for-sale chapbook, limited to 300 copies. A free copy will be included with any purchase of a Richard Matheson signed limited.

Description: Richard Matheson shares his insight into the dreary outlook many have on the year 2012, and how a new metaphysical perspective can be taken instead.

Gauntlet will ship the chapbook to all of those who pre-order (or have pre-ordered) Matheson’s Other Kingdoms: Original Draft when the signed limited edition ships. The small press publisher is also sending a free copy of the chapbook for those who order in-stock Matheson titles. There is no need to mention the chapbook in the Comment’s section. Just order a Matheson signed limited and you will get one of the 300 not-for-sale copies.

For those who have already ordered in-stock items your copy of the chapbook has shipped.

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