Crossroad Press & Macabre Ink Digital have released the digital edition of Steve Vernon’s The Weird Ones.

Description: Some stories tiptoe up and whisper in your ear – all sweetness and gumdrops and happy-ever-after-after-there-you-go.

Then, there are the weird ones.

We’re talking talking-chickens, blue plague spam monkeys, tug boats of unbridled and fetid fecundity, tulwar-swinging cab drivers, malls that maul you, gnawing on screwdrivers and jig-lining elder gods coming at you faster than a ride-on mow-down massacre mower shopping cart caravan.

This is a collection for the seriously messed up minds of all you readers who have grown tired of the trite detritus of day-to-day storytelling These are some of the weirdest, most messed up mind-bending kind of stories that have ever been written – and I’m daring you to read them now.

Plague Monkey Spam – a novella of spider-gods, storytelling and the kitchen sink Gnarly Ho-Tep Hoedown Two-step – a story told over a hand of potato chip poker Hunger Time at the Midnight Mall – a yarn of belly-grumble and fear The Last Curl of Gut Rope – chicken, egg, chicken, egg, crack this riddle if you dare.

All of this wonderful madness is brought to you by Steve Vernon – the creator behind the cult novella classic – Long Horn, Big Shaggy: A Tale of Wild West Terror and Reanimated Buffalo.

“These are three of the weirdest stories that I have written,” says Vernon. “The collection opens with my novella ‘Plague Monkey Spam’ – an Anansi tale that reads as if it were written by William S. Burroughs in an attempt to top Naked Lunch while striving to uncover the heart of storytelling. The second story – ‘Hunger Time at the Midnight Mall’ is a story of hit men and midnight mall madness. The third story – ‘The Last Curl of Gut Rope’ is my attempt to get to the bottom of that age-old question – Which came first, the chicken or the egg?”

Read this if you dare.

You can pick up the Kindle edition here: The Weird Ones

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