Slime City Massacre, the sequel to Gregory Lamberson’s 1988 cult horror film Slime City, will be released theatrically through indieFilmNet’s new Cinema Meets Horror midnight movie-flavored series. Slime City Massacre was released on DVD by Shriek Show in May. Later this summer, IFN will make the film available to as many as 60 digital theaters in North America, which can book it as a midnight show, single screening, or full-on engagement.
“The media landscape has changed so drastically that the release pattern for independent films is changing as well,” says Lamberson, who wrote and directed SCM. “Filmmakers used to hope for a theatrical release, a VHS or DVD release, and then cable play. Now, with Video on Demand and streaming, everyone’s scrambling to find a new formula that works. IndieFilmNet is offering alternative programming at a time when big studios and multiplexes control what genre fans see on the big screen.”
IndieFilmNet, based in Montreal, Canada, offers programming to a network of 50 digital cinemas in the US, 10 in Canada, and additional theaters around the world. Although IFN specializes in art house fare such as documentaries, operas, and repertory classics, the company has already programmed such grindhouse fare as Hobo with a Shotgun and El Monstro Del Mar! with success.
“Horror and midnight movies have a rabid and dedicated fan base in almost every city,” says Bob Golibersuch, IFN director of movie programming and owner of the Screening Room Cinema Cafe, home to the Buffalo Screams Horror Film Festival. “We intend to combine midnight classics and undiscovered thrillers with the new crop of indie horror movies to create a series of titles that will satisfy horror fans and be an exciting group experience in a big screen setting.”
Lamberson sees the theatrical release of SCM as a major victory. “The original Slime City developed its reputation as a midnight movie back in 1988, but it only played at one theater in New York City for five weekends. IFN will offer Slime City Massacre to 60 theaters, which can screen it whenever they want. Because the theater owners have the unique flexibility to customize the release to their need, we don’t have to worry about a ‘make or break’ opening weekend. It’s the digital age equivalent of a drive-in run.”
Slime City Massacre, a horror film with science fiction overtones, stars Debbie Rochon (Best Actress, the Eerie Horror Film Festival), Brooke Lewis (Best Scream Queen, the B Movie Celebration), and author Kealan Patrick Burke (Best Actor, the PollyGrind Film Festival), with appearances by Roy Frumkes and Lloyd Kaufman. The film had its world premiere at the Beloit International Film Festival, and won the Biggest Baddest Mother of the PollyGrind and the Polished Apple Award for Best Sequel.