The newest arrivals at Night Shade BooksBalefires is David Drake’s long-awaited collection of horror and fantasy short fiction, and it’s well worth the wait if I do say so myself. The limited edition is signed by Dave and contains a comprehensive bibliography of his work. Softspoken is a new short novel from the one and only Lucius Shepard. Decadent family histories, the supernatural, bizarre revelations, this is southern gothic Shepard-style. In Jon Courtenay Grimwood’s 9Tail Fox, San Francisco police sergeant Bobby Zha is murdered and wakes up in another man’s body. That’s my definition of a bad day, and it’s one of the more straightforward things to happen in this amazing novel. Plus, you know, once again Jon Foster doing spectacular work. Because he can do no wrong.

And if that wasn’t enough, they’ve also received the trade paperback editions of Alastair Reynolds’ Zima Blue and Other Stories (which is good, since we’re pretty much out of the hardcover and the limited), and Liz Williams’s second Detective Inspector Chen novel, The Demon and the City (which was also sold out in hardcover and limited).

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