Necro Publications and Bedlam Press have announced that pre-ordering is now available for Edward Lee’s Creekers, which is due out in March. Description: Crick City is a small hick town. Violent, mean and dirt-poor, it’s a place nobody wants to call home. But for homicide cop Phil Straker, it is home. And now someone — or something — is turning his boyhood town into a bloody sideshow of mutilation and gruesome carnage. They’re called Creekers. Centuries old, driven by rage and lust for revenge, they move through the deep, dark woods — deformed, shadowy outcasts with twisted faces and blood-red eyes. Now, as the moon hangs low over their ancient house, they’re gathering for a harvest of terror and death Crick City will never forget …

The trade paperback is $18 for those who pre-order. Find out more: Creekers

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