Gondwana Press has announced the release of Primal Creatures, Eric Wilder’s third novel in the Wyatt Thomas French Quarter Mystery Series. Acclaimed book series’ newest entry follows Cajun werewolves running amok in South Louisiana’s wetlands. Description:...
Watch the corruption of a 16th Century, pious Capuchin Monk as he is led down a dangerous path of sin in The Monk, the supernatural thriller adapted from Matthew G. Lewis’ classic cult novel coming in March. Description: A supernatural thriller adapted from...
Ty Schwamberger’s new novella, Last Night Out (Author’s Preferred Edition), is now available to order from UK publisher, Crowded Quarantine Publications. It also contains the bonus short story, “Bartender, Please.” Below is the description of this 138 page...
Subterranean Press has announced they will be releasing Joe R. Lansdale’s short story collection, Bleeding Shadows, in November. Bleeding Shadows is Lansdale’s largest, most varied collection to date. Weighing in at 480 pages and 150,000 words, these...
Austin & Macauley has released the paperback edition of Lex Sinclair’s Killer Spiders. Description: It is 2005 in Great Britain, and an invasion of venomous spiders has hit the country. Hitchhiking’ in imported food, the spiders are able to thrive in...